If you are complimented within dreams, it means people have bad intentions towards you. If you compliment someone else, it means betrayal and deceit.

If you gave compliment to someone, then it means you are appreciating those around you and not afraid to accept the facts that they are better than you are at some aspects. If someone has given you compliments, then it means you are willing to receive more tenderness and affection from those you love.

Loneliness. 6.

…To dream of having your portrait taken, is a sign someone will compliment your good looks; but if you are dissatisfied and think it a bad likeness, the compliment will run is a contrary direction, and you will be called frightfully ugly-looking behind your back. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

If we get a compliment, we should not trust the person who reflects the dream. If we give those compliments sincerely, we will get what we want. If we make them falsely, we will be humiliated in reality.