Dreaming of listening to a lecture hints that a decision that has been made has not been fully analyzed and thoroughly thought out.

This dream usually happens because the dreamer has feelings of guilt because of something he consciously or unconsciously believes he did wrong. It can also be because of something he think he should have done, but didn’t do it. In most cases, it is the actual content of the sermon heard in dreams that can give us a clearer indication what’s that we have done wrong so we can fix it.

…(Fruit) In a dream, a fruit salesman represents a trustworthy person who is entrusted with people’s money and confidentiality. In dream interpretation, a fruit salesman also represents a good person unless he takes money for his fruits. Seeing a fruit salesman in a dream is also interpreted as listening to a worthwhile lecture or listening to a touching sermon or hearing an official report from the government delivered by a special announcer, or it could mean marriage, children, fast comingmoney and worthwhile efforts. (Also see Fruit)…