…Dreaming that you are toothless, denotes your inability to advance your interests, and ill health will cast goom{sic} over your prospects. To see others toothless, foretells that enemies are trying in vain to calumniate you….

If you are the one who is toothless in a dream, then it means that you are incapable in achieving your targets and goals. Probably the illness, bad attitude leads to disappointments. If you dream of other people being toothless, then it indicates the badness in those around you and the damage they are willing to do.

To dream we lose teeth is a symbol of frustration, castration or failure. To a man the dream of lacking teeth, especially because the teeth have decayed and fallen out, reflects fear of losing his virility or a defeat in life. To a woman it also means fear of growing old and in the case of being pregnant, fear of a difficult birth. It also depends on which teeth are lost. The incisors are figurative teeth. They symbolize external appearance, fame, celebrity and beauty. The canine tooth symbolizes rage and aggression. The molar tooth symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance.